
Temporarily fix an issue with elpaca and seq version
Make sure to use built-in python mode
Really ignore custom.el
Don't sign commits for now
Gitignore custom.el

Should use init.org for persistent/non local configs
zshenv: set EDITOR using script

- This seems to have broken at some point?
zshrc improvements

- Fix plugin loading, add zsh-vi-mode
- Make sbcl alias universal
- source path before starting tmux on macos
Improve slime/sly consistency
Enable tab-bar
Improve and clean up mode-line
I sort of doubt I still need smex
Dont use magit-todos for now
Uncomment slime-company for now
Prefer text over icons
No whitespace mode in dired
Ensure window divider settings take effect, normalize with border width
Mouse scrolling in emacs seemed to improve?
Remove unneeded ivy cruft
Use nerd-icons-dired
Clean up recentf config